Integrity Policy

The transparency policy at the Bader Al-Maarifah Knowledge Center aims to enhance the commitment to the concept of transparency and its importance in the e-learning environment. The policy outlines forms of transparency violations, procedures, and penalties that are followed when such violations occur. Transparency is considered an essential requirement in all dealings within the training center, promoting honesty and integrity in all roles present in the e-learning environment. The ethical system for trainers, trainees, and employees in the institution is a means of organizing their work and determining their behavior in line with the concept of transparency, providing them with the basic principles for working in a responsible and ethical manner. By enhancing transparency policy, violations can be reduced, trust and transparency can be promoted in the e-learning environment, and a more transparent educational environment characterized by high ethical standards can be created, contributing to achieving the main goal of education, which is to disseminate knowledge and develop society.

List of some forms of transparency violations:
- Cheating in exams and tests.
- Theft of research and scientific reports.
- Submitting projects that are not produced by trainees.
- Manipulating results and reports.
- Insulting trainers, trainees, and other employees.
- Bias among trainers and trainees.
- Forging documents or violating laws.
- Using unauthorized sources in exams and research.

When transparency policy violations occur, the following procedures are followed:

  1. Before making any conclusive decision regarding allegations of transparency policy violations, the claims are verified by investigation and evidence collection.
  2. After confirming the violation, the trainee concerned is informed of the details of the violation and given the opportunity to provide clarifications.
  3. In the case of a confirmed violation, the works or projects submitted by the violating trainee may be rejected or not approved for acceptance.
  4. Trainees who violate the transparency policy may be denied the opportunity to complete their training at the Bader Al-Maarifah Knowledge Center.
  5. Violating trainees may be prohibited from registering for center courses again for a specific period or permanently, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.
  6. The violation is recorded in the trainee's record to be referred to in case of future violations.
  7. Depending on the circumstances and policies followed at the Bader Al-Maarifah Knowledge Center, other disciplinary actions may be taken based on management decisions.