Online Attendance Policy

The Online Attendance Policy aims to define the principles and guidelines that must be followed to organize the educational process, and to determine the standards and responsibilities for trainers and trainees. The regulatory policies and procedures for synchronous and asynchronous electronic attendance are as follows: 

- Online attendance through virtual classrooms is considered equivalent to regular attendance.
- Attendance hours are provided through synchronous virtual classrooms at a minimum of 25% of the hours of the asynchronous e-learning courses, for programs that last more than a month.
- Attendance hours are provided through synchronous virtual classrooms at a minimum of 25% of the program hours in case of blended learning (whether virtual or regular attendance), for programs that last more than a month.
- Everyone is committed to attending according to the program schedule.
- Trainees are required to attend at least 75% of the hours allocated for the registered program.
- Failure to comply with the minimum "electronic attendance" percentage, which has been approved, will result in the trainee being prevented from receiving the training completion certificate.
- The trainee is considered absent if they do not attend for more than 30% of the lecture time, and exceptions can be made if the trainee has an acceptable excuse approved by the academy management.